If i make a variable public in Level Blueprint then in which tab does it appear? If it appears nowhere then i would like to request for a new feature that exposes public variables of Level Blueprint in world settings tab.
Hey Satheesh,
Thanks for your question! Currently, Exposed variables in the Level blueprint do not show up in any new locations such as the World Settings tab. The only place you will be able to edit/set those Level blueprint variables (outside of the EventGraph) will be on the Defaults tab. The intention is that users will only be able to edit the default values from that tab, so to avoid confusing users by having Expose available we are considering disabling the Expose option for Level blueprints.
If you have any workflow suggestions that you think would work better for editing Level blueprint variables, please let us know
Hi Steve. Am afraid i dont understand where i can access this Defaults Tab. Level Blueprint doesnt have a Defaults Tab so can you please direct me where i can find this Defaults Tab?
As for the workflow i do have a suggestion which is to have a new group under World Settings called “Level Blueprint variables” and there you can have all those variables exposed from Level BP. So we can quickly change the values without having to open Level BP editor.
My apologies, the Defaults tab for the Level blueprint can be accessed from going to Windows > Blueprint Defaults from within the blueprint editor.
Thanks Steve. But the defaults tab stays open only if Level Blueprint is visible. It would be really good if that Defaults tab is accessible and dockable like other tabs (eg: Details Tab, Layers Tab, Scene Outliner Tab etc).
Hey Satheesh,
I agree that having the Defaults for a Level blueprint accessible without having to open the blueprint itself would be a workflow improvement and have filed a feature request to see if we can get that Defaults tab to be dockable outside of the Blueprint editor. Hopefully we can provide some feedback soon if this is something we are able to implement.
Thank you very much Steve.
Any news on this feature, or a link to the feature request?
Has this really been waiting since 2014?
I see so many people making manager actors just to pass various variables from a manager into the level blueprint references still years later so they can avoid the back and forth and inefficiencies.
Is there nothing new other than that specific workaround? It is impressive how such obvious issues aren’t approached after so much time
It has now been 5 years since Uno1982 did a follow up on this issue 5 years after it was opened. A total of 10 years for a simple solution not getting implemented. Using “GetActorOfClass” to find Manager Actors is ok, but it could be much better and simpler to just allow Users to expose the BP Level variables (a feature that has been available in the UI but not functional) and then set the desired Actors from a list of those in the level.
Can this please be escalated for the next release? Does Epic have a feature submission form?
Hey there. Saw your post and it made me kind of feel some kind of way… I also checked on this because I figured it would be useful and kind of forgot about it. I’ve already written a few tools and plugins for other areas of the editor so … I decided to start tackling this myself. I’m not sure how long it will be before I’m done as this is all written in slate and its about 500 lines of code just for the boolean and float support. I’ll keep chipping away at it however and update you guys on progress. It would be awesome to understand the full length of functionality that you would like. Right now the variables are filtered by non inherited (user created) essentially. So things like bHidden and bReplicated and the root component on the level itself isn’t shown in the list on the variables I’ve created. I’m still working to allow variables to be added to the LevelBlueprint from the panel and then I’ll add Array type support for each once that is done.
Thank you for sharing this! It’s great that you have been working on a 3rd party solution and we’ll take a look at it when we can. It’s still unfortunate that Epic has not created an out of the box integration for it.