Question About Inventory Widget -- Set To First Item

Hi all,

I made an inventory screen widget and created functionality with a mouse/keyboard and gamepad. I have no problems navigating the widget with the mouse/keyboard, but when I try to use the gamepad, I cannot select any of the 12 boxes in my inventory widget [unless the mouse was hovering over one of those boxes prior to opening up the widget – on a PC that wouldn’t be a problem, as the mouse is there, but on a console, that would be terrible, as nothing could be accessed]. I would like to focus on the first box (upper left, highlighted in image) when I always open up the inventory widget, then maneuver around using the D-pad of the controller. I tried using an event tick, but it didn’t work. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

Did you coded it using engine inputs or manually?

I coded it using engine inputs.

can we see some code of where the adding is taking place and are these pre placed into the box or grenerated at construction of inventory window

Sure! I’ve attached the code for my Player Menu Items page [it is part of my inventory widget]. I am following Ryan Laley’s UMG tutorial series [Part 5 is where this coding takes place – Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Gamepad UMG Control Pt.5 - Inventory Sheet - YouTube]. Also, the boxes are part of a grid panel.