Hello everyone. I downloaded Electric Dreams environment to examine some PCG techniques. However I am already stucked at the beginning of the almost every graph.
So graph begins with Get spline data node, where PCG_ManualSpline is typed as a tag. But I am not able to see that tag on the spline, which is referenced:
I see only MainSpline tag on needed spline. And the interesting thing is If I type MainSpline in Get Spline Data node it gives me an error, says no matching actor was found:
I know I’m a little late to the party but since no one has answered I thought I might give it a shot. I think the problem you’re facing is that the Tag you need is not on the spline itself but on the blueprint. The spline is just a component of said blueprint. Have you tried looking there?
Yep, that’s about my understanding of it. Been having other questions myself, though, I don’t know if you might have some insight on the matter.
Such as, why would we need to filter for Mainspline and Active_spline after each get node. Also, why a union node would be used before each difference node.
Some complicated stuff, wish there was some in depth documentation on the matter…
I believe they mentioned in graph that they used union node because the old difference node was deprecated, something like that. anyways i use difference without union and it works well for me in all the cases
Also about Mainspline and Active_spline, do you mean using filter by tag after any get spline data node? if yes, in get spline data we set something like “source” where we are going to look for the spline, with filter by tag we choose exact spline we want, we can avoid using filter by tag, but then it will output data from all the splines from our source