Question about Declined by publish writs

Question about Declined by publish writs, but the product is original.
may their reference to explanation movie? i did some presentation of how it works on some ather assets, maybe this is the reason?

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I don’t understand anything of what you are trying to ask. What do you need help with?

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I agree with @EliasWick i cant make out what you are trying to say sorry.

At a stab maybe you jave been declined by marketplace for something because you dont have the correct publisher rights to some of the content? Possibly based on a movie that you dont have the permission to do.

Just a guess

Hey @playplus_gg! Welcome to the Forums!

Can you share what the exact wording of the decline you received? We may get a better understanding of any specifics if you do!

Thats the thing, i didnt get any mail about it…

Hmm so how do you know it was declined? And surely there is an email contact for you to ask such questions?

Have you used any copywrite material in game? Names/places/plots/ videos/images etc…

In my second asset didn’t use a thing… just geometry cache that i created

Hey @playplus_gg,

If you haven’t received an email, you should submit a support request to Marketplace Support. They should be able to provide you the details of your decline and possibly provide more context after that.

Here is that support link: Marketplace Support

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