Question about collision response

I am using a modified version of the flying pawn BP. So I have limited the movement to a set speed and only horizontal (no up or down, roll or pitch). I need to be able to limit the area of travel with blocking volumes. As it is right now when I collide with a blocking volume the camera goes into a stomach turning spin. Any ideas on how I can cause the flying pawn to just stop in place? So that as you are moving around when you encounter a blocking volume you just stop. I have tried altering the deflect when colliding section to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

franktech, Thanks for the response. Do you happen to have a link to the exact template you are referring to? I have looked at a few (including this one A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums) and they do not seem to address the issue I am having. Or maybe it is my lack of understanding. :slight_smile:

franktech, I have trimmed my blueprint down to the bare minimum.

This is the response when I collide with the blocking volume.

My desire is to have the camera do nothing but stop when colliding with a blocking volume. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Simulate physics has been unchecked for some time now. I can find no On-component-hit code. And I do not have the nodes that RoccoFX used in his system, though my base is they Flying pawn. The image of my blueprints attached earlier is all that remains.

I just cannot figure it out. Here is the screen grab you requested. I appreciate your taking the time to try and help me, one of the things that makes this community so great.

I really have searched everywhere. I have the pawn movement limited to the four compass points, so no extra code. No altitude variation, no bank or roll. WSAD moves on the points, mouse is the “head”. I could probably do with just the W key and mouse. Thanks so much for your efforts.