Question about changing variables in Save-games...

Ok, So I couldn’t find an answer anywhere, so here it is…
Let’s say I release a game which uses a save-game (cause why wouldn’t it?). But then later I make changes to the save-game by adding a new variable (let’s say it’s a Boolean named ‘GameComplete?’). I then re-package the game and upload to Steam.
Once players have recieved the update and then play the game, will the new variable get written into their save-game file, the next time it saves? Or will some error occur or even currupt the save-game, as that variable (GameComplete?) doesn’t exsist in the save-game file on their pc?

If it will be an issue, what is the usual way of handling adding new variables to a save-game file?

Any insights appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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See my answer here

Ah I see, so your answer, taken from that thread, “If you make a test, and start adding new variables to an old save file, the system will save and load them.” beasically means that it will just save and load as normal and will write the new variables to the existing save file? Gotcha, thanks!

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No worries, but… :slight_smile:

Don’t change variable names.

And maybe do some extra test if you have complex data structure like nested structs.

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