Question about applying torque to Pawn BP controlled by Player Controller BP

I would like to use a PlayerController BP to handle inputs to a Pawn BP. To rotate the Pawn I am trying to use the AddTorqueInDegrees node. However, I am unable to access the target component in the controlled Pawn BP. The screenshots show the Pawn BP and the error message from the PlayerController BP.

(1) Can you explain why this error is displayed? I believe there is something fundamental for me to learn from this.

(2) Can you provide advice on how to solve it, or how to redesign the logic for rotating the Pawn?

Pawn BP:

PlayerController BP:

For physics to work with a component, it has to meet certain criteria. Atm we (the Player Controller) do not know what component is at the root of this pawn.

You have many options to make it work, here’s one:

  • ensure the component that simulates physics is at the very root of the Pawn
  • assuming it’s a static mesh component, you can cast the root to Static Mesh Component and then apply torque.

Excellent answer and that solution worked. Thank you. Here’s a screenshot for anyone seeing this in the future.