Question about Animation Blueprints

What I want to do is, have a state machine in my player’s anim blueprint where i have a “idle” animation, and then have a bridge between that and a “Running” animation, sort of a “intro” before that one running loop. I have 3 animations, idle, run intro and run that’s why i am trying to do this. I also have an animation that plays right before going to Idle again, some sort of cancel running animation. But I don’t know how to do so these play right before doing the “loop” animation (running loop animation).

any info is helpful!

the intro is just another state, and its transition to run uses automatic rule (this just goes to next state once the animation has finished)

so you’d have a state machine like:
idle → run start → run → run stop → idle

to toggle the automatic rule, click on the transition and then look in the detail panel, you will see something like “automatic rule based”

checkout the free paragon characters on marketplace, they come with animation blueprints which demonstrate this

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Thank you once again!

oh, haha same person. i was having deja vu

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