question about a design team!

So i would like to start up a team to make a moba. But i have 2 problems:

  1. being i cant post in the fourm that talks about finding a team together or showing of your skills.

  2. and the other main problem is that im more of the think so what the map design should be etc etc. [p.s i do have alot of cool ideas etc etc as well!] :stuck_out_tongue:

the main problem is the second one because i dont know where i would fit in a design team for map design, skins, new ideas etc etc and would like some help of finding out what my role would be and also would like to see what i would have to learn/the qualifications i would need to get to get into the role if you gusy would know :stuck_out_tongue: ?

I really do appricate all the answers if i get any!

If you don’t have any game development experience or skills then people will be reluctant to join you to work on your idea. Game development is challenging even for people who know what they’re doing. Instead of trying to do a big project, work on developing a useful skill so that you can contribute as much as you’d ask other people to.

which skill would you recommend that i develop first then? .Like is there any important ones?

It depends on what you like to do–for instance a 3D artist could be an environment artist or a character artist etc. There’s programmers, game designers, all kinds of stuff.