Quest Widget doesn't seem to be created on Main Widget

So, I followed a tutorial to set up a basic inventory system by someone on YouTube named UnrealGaimeDev and although he had a quest system tutorial, I chose to make my own considering I didn’t want all my work to be his. I have like 99% of the the quest box system working, but for some reason, they just don’t show up. The quest information (name, reward, etc.) are working as I have them printed once that bit of code is run, but the widget just won’t show up. I’ve made sure its set to visible and checked everywhere I could for missing node connections but couldn’t find any. I put all the necessary code (I believe) in the screenshots. I AM an amateur at UE, so if my code just sucks, please let me know and constructive criticism is welcome. Thank you.

By the way, the code below are in 4 different places. The first one is in the Quest Box widget, the one that will have all the quest information and will be listed in the Quest Lister widget, which is displayed on the Main Widget. The second bit of code is in the Quest Lister widget, and it is supposed to list out all the quests. The third bit of code is in the the Inventory Blueprint actor (It holds all the information for the inventory screen, which is where I want the quests to show up). The last bit of code is also in the Inventory Blueprint actor.


Hi there! Can you also share widget design screenshots?