Quest 3 stadnalone movable spotlight shadows setup?

Hello, How would you setup a quest 3 movable shadows project settings.
What i found out the the movable shadow work only with mobile hdr enabled, but the visual and the light is just poor. Is there a way to have movable shadow light without mobile hdr on the quest 3 standalone (urneal engien 5.2)

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Hey Tuar,

Unreal Engine provides a list of Mobile Rendering Features supported. In it, you’ll be able to learn which types of lights are supported for dynamic shadows and other relevant info.

I managed to get dynamic shadows working on the Meta Quest, without Mobile HDR, by placing a directional light in the scene with the following settings:

  • Mobility: Movable
  • Cast Shadows: True
  • Cast Static Shadows: True
  • Cast Dynamic Shadows: True
  • Dynamic Shadow Distance: 18000 (you’ll have to test different values for this, as dynamic shadows stop rendering at a given distance).

Your Project Settings should also have these Rendering configs:

  • Mobile Shading: Forward Shading
  • Mobile Anti-Aliasing Method: TAA
  • Enable local lights support on mobile forward: True
  • Allow Static Lighting: False
  • Forward Shading: True
  • Instanced Stereo: True
  • Mobile HDR: False
  • Mobile Multi-View: True
  • Support Movable Directional Lights: True

My setup requires OpenXR to be enabled in order to have good performance, still trying to figure out why that is. But I hope this helps!


Hello maybe a later reply. But im asking about movable spotlight shadows. I have no problem to create directional movable light and shadows to work.
My problem create a fresh VR template (instance stereo on, multiview on, forward shading on)
And check support movable spotlight shadows. What happend left eye greyed out and no shadows work at all…

I can’t get any type of real-time shadows on my quest 3. I’ve followed the directions of @fprodigy981 but after deploying to quest there are absolutely no shadows on the default VR Template scene i’m using. I’m really confused with this.

It was a matter of defaulting to Low Scalability settings. I had to force better shadow settings. Sorry for the pointless post