Quest 2 virtual keyboard not working

According to the oculus dev website, setting ‘use system keyboard’ with app is focusable in the oculus plugin setting should give me a virtual keyboard.
This is not happening.
I’m using the basic vr template project and just added a text input field in the menu widget.
Am i missing something ?

It seems the keyboard does show up if I launch it in quest2. The Play preview in VR from editor does not show the keyboard.

As far as I know, it uses the default keyboard from oculus. So it trigger whenever you call for anything that has text input on the game. I dont think it works on preview VR, only on launched games from oculus itself, because the VR preview is running on the pc. Maybe for the same reason you could use VR preview with big meshes with lots of polygons and when you launched on the oculus it doesnt play at all. But just guessing here

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Thank you. I think that is exactly the case. Though it’s a bit of a drag. Testing and debugging will be compromised.
Maybe it would be a good idea to create a virtual keyboard myself. Bit of an initial effort but would make life easier.

Why is that? Anything that has a text input would call for the default keyboard system. What exactly would you need to debug?
The get the text and compare to other things to check passwords, retrieve them to naming things or people.
But there are virtual keyboards on the marketplace and even tutorials on youtube, so you could make your own too.

I meant, while debugging the rest of the project. Things that are dependent on the text input.
I know i can create a keyboard, but if the system is supporting a virtual keyboard, why add more hassle.