Querying Entitlements and their Associated IDs

I am iterating through entitlements through EOS SDK to verify ownership of the base game and process consumables. The objects returned have an ItemId that correspond to an offer.

In the dev portal, on the offers page, I see an ItemId for my base game labeled “Game Item Id.” Is this the ID that is associated with the granted entitlement?

Separately, I’ve created some consumable offers designed to grant players in-game currency. All I see is an “Audience Item Id” and the “Offer ID” itself. What is this audience item id used for? Is this the ID that will be associated with the consumable entitlement? If not, where can I see the item id that will be associated?

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Hi, I’m also facing these issues for the first time and I’m having trouble. I would like to create a package that can be purchased from the Epic Store to add virtual credits to the game, but I don’t understand how the procedure should be set up.
Have you discovered anything more?

Hey there, we apologize for the delayed response. I wanted to check in to see if you are still having issues with this, if so, please let us know, if it’s resolved feel free to disregard.