
Hello everyone I have a problem!
trying to run the Aplications I have this error:

Plugin ‘JSONQuery’ failed to laod because module ‘JSONQuery’ could not be found.
Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

unreal version 4.8.3 plugin too
on windows!
please help :frowning:

read this thread a bit and you’ll find your answer I bet

what i do wrong?

LogJson:Error: Array entry ‘users’ not found in the field data!
LogJson:Error: data is invalid! Input:
{“firstName”:“John”, “lastName”:“Doe”},
{“firstName”:“Anna”, “lastName”:“Jones”}

Your is invalid try this :

    {"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"},
    {"firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Jones"}

thanks but already try that, and recheck now and have this error:

LogJson:Error: Array entry ‘users’ not found in the field data!

anyone try with 4.9.2?
i try getting the string fields from the stephan server test.html without luck.

EDIT: i change to VA-REST plugin, the plugin its update and haven’t problems ATM

weird. Using 4.8.3 - binary verison downloaded from launcher. Added Plugin - everything works, added c++ code and while packaging it says UE4Editor-JSONQuery.lib is missing. What should I do now?

This fixed it on binary version:

Need to start using github version of the engine :slight_smile:

But now when I start co compile in 4.8.3 I get these:
Error: Remapping old metadata key ‘FriendlyName’ to new key ‘DisplayName’, please update the declaration.

Great plugin :slight_smile: will try it out this week! En bedankt! :wink:

Any chance to get that working with 4.9.2?

I just managed to make it work with 4.9.2 by doing the following things (I used the binary 4.8 version of the plugin so far):

  1. Clone GitHub - marynate/JSONQuery_UE4
  2. Use the “JSONQuery” folder from the “Source” folder to replace the your project’s “<PROJECT_NAME>/Plugins/JSONQuery/Source/JSONQuery” folder
  3. Change line 52 of “JsonFieldData.cpp” to “UJsonFieldData* fieldData = NewObject<UJsonFieldData>(UJsonFieldData::StaticClass());” => StaticConstructObject (which was used before) was already deprecated in 4.8 and can’t be compiled anymore using 4.9
    (3b. I also changed the engine version in the *.uplugin file, but not sure if that’s really necessary)
  4. Now your project should compile sucessfully*
  • I compiled my project with the changed plugin source on 4.8 first and then opened a copy in 4.9

Any chance this is going to be updated for 4.9/4.10? Looking into doing it myself, but I’m unfamiliar with plugins. Seems like an awesome tool.

The description I posted just before your post also applies for 4.10 - I’m currently using the plugin in a 4.10 project.

Is someone able to update it to 4.10, and upload this to github, or somewhere else?
I contacted Stefan “Stefander” Wijnker, but he hasn’t replied jet.

i have serch for this for 2 days thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx alot …

best plugin ever .

we are wate for update 4.10

I’v just tried it in 4.10.1.
Use the source from github and build your project in visual stuido.

I can’t make a post request without having crashes ! :frowning: I’m working with MySQL database, the database receives the informations but the game crashes. Can someone help me?

Hey there ! Thanks for this great plugin. Is there any updated version of this plugin which can work with Unreal Engine 4.10.1 ?
Thanks for your help.

As Obirah suggested above, I followed steps and was able to make it run in 4.10.1

Hello there,

I am using the same steps that you have mentioned, but I am facing issue “name not found in field data !”

My HTML file on URL contains :
“name” : “xyz”

Can you please guide me what could be the possible problem here?

Any word on this? I am on OS X and been having hard time trying to compile this plugin for Mac. Would be awesome if you could include it in the download.


If anyone needs this build for 4.10.4, I compiled it and put it on my amazon cloud drive. You should put this in “Plugins” folder in you projects root, like this: “PROJECT_NAME/Plugins/JSONQuery”. If Plugins folder doesn’t exist, create it.


Could someone compile it for 4.11.1 binaries please?