[Query] Marketplace Account balance

Hi ,

Just curious to know regarding the marketplace account balance section that is highlighted in the launcher tab top right corner and also in the marketplace page. Does that balance section immediately gets updated when someone purchases my contents ? If so , at least i don’t have to wait for 45+ days to know how much I am going to earn for that month and maybe I can immediately utilize that money to buy a marketplace content.

Money you make on the marketplace is put into the bank account that you provided epic with 45 days after the end of each month if the amount is over $100, it is not put into your epic account balance

Thanks for the info , but can you please let me know what purpose does Epic account balance serve? (other than the one time 30$ credit on march this year)

My guess would be it will act a bit like steam account balance, you will be able to add funds to it and maybe gift cards, things like that.

The Marketplace account balance was created to grant the $30 Marketplace credit we gave everyone that was a subscriber when UE4 went free at GDC. As far as I know, there aren’t currently any other ways to add to it, but that could change in the future.