HI! I’m new to using quartz and I’m learning a bit about setting the clock to create scenarios that change in time with the music. I noticed an anomalous behavior of the editor with respect to this thing:
When I start Unreal Engine, in the first instance of PIE, the clock works perfectly, then at some point it freezes and stops sending pulses, i.e. from the Subscribe to all quantization events node no signal comes out and the clock stop counting bars and beats.
I “solved” this problem trying to use only one clock for all my logics, but what happens is even more absurd: at first the clock works and everything goes great, then after a while it stops working and when I close the PIE I get an error of
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetHandleForClock_ReturnValue”. Node: Subscribe to All Quantization Events Graph:
The thing I really don’t understand is that IF I CLOSE AND RE-OPEN THE EDITOR, IT WORKS AGAIN.
I have no idea if the same happens with the packaged project, as it’s just a test project and I haven’t tried to package it yet. Could someone explain to me if this is a bug or am I omitting something?