Thank you. Rama does not give permission to sell his content, so I will create my own keymapping plugin in the future. So it’s only 9 out 10 dentist recommendations for now.
theres always that one sob… 9 out of 10 dentists agree that the tenth dentist should lighten up.
I’ll keep an eye on this for that feature if you ever get around to it!
Yup, it looks like Macwolf did that and made an input tab out of it.
Wow, congratulations and thank you. It is so modified it does not even resemble my menu any more XD.
I am curious of how you set the position of your hand cursor. Have you manually made a list of coordiates or did you find a way to get the screen position of UMG components in blueprints? It seems to work really well.
Since you’re planning on implementing controller support for the menu with the update, it would be useful (for me) if you also looked at implementing VR support. Basically, it would involve casting the menu to a 3d Widget rather than the player’s screen, and also the “VR Settings” for various HMD’s.
A good look, at least for the Oculus, is the video settings from the VR template by Mitch, as can be seen here: GitHub - mitchemmc/UE4FirstPersonVRTemplate: A first person template for unreal engine 4 focused on VR
Thanks for telling me, that method would work well when the menu is finalized. I wish I could find something that is flexible with different UMG setups.
I got to visit my pal to get hands on testing for VR, but the alternative menu I am creating right now will be a 3D menu in the real world. That is the same technique as the VR template, so it should work.
When I tried the UMG menu in VR as a 3d widget, I could not interact with it properly. Unreal 4.8 did improve 3d widget support a bit, but not enough.
Status update on next release: Good stuff happening in real life for me, but it will delay the menu a bit more. I am even tempted to wait until Unreal 4.9 since it might support runtime object creation without creating an actor to store data.
I too would love to see VR compatibility for your wonderful menu.
First and foremost: Awesome work!
I am just wondering - will the “Execute Console Command” node work on shipping builds for consoles (e.g. PS4)? Does anyone know of any limitations for any platforms in this regard?
Will you be updating for 4.9?
^^ It works in 4.9 perfect for me
This has probably been one of my most useful marketplace purchases, thanks heaps!
I have a question, do you plan on implementing a system to modify key bindings? this would make this just perfect.
That is something I wish to add. I think I can make a blueprint only workaround using the new “Any Key” node. But I don’t think that support mouse binding and gamepads.
Also, to everyone. I am sorry I am so late with the next update. I have not found the time to sit down and work with unreal.
Hey guys, If you are finding the Audio stuff frustrating, you can download Rama’s plugins.
And make changes similar to below.
(Also update the refresh audio function in that same file, sorry no screenie)
ApplyGameSettings Graph:
Then you can just use the bulk edit feature and set everything to the correct classes you made.
I hope this helps someone here.
Big thanks to Rama for helping making our lives easier
I agree. I like this asset and it seems the author did it’s best to workaround the lack of a missing SetSoundClassVolume blueprint-function. But it’s really much easier to just assign a soundclass to all of your SoundCues instead of pulling a wire to each single sound in all of your blueprints from the game instance and additional to swap all existing SoundCues from your map to some blueprint afterwards. Actually it’s pretty easy to set the volume in C++ via some ‘SoundClass->Properties.Volume = Volume;’. Others like GenericShooterSample made some stuff with mixer and it’s still all blueprint and you use your soundclasses. I would prefer this mixer wiring over the solution in this asset. But even that mixer solution looks a bit complicated compared to that single C++ line that just does what it should.
Just a quick tip for anyone that might already be using a Game interface that has a lot of functionality and they can’t use the GameInstanceWithSettings in this pack. In the game instance you are using in class settings add the interface “game settings interface”. Then just copy the content that is in Run Console Command, Get Settings Instance and the content that is in the event graph in GameInstanceWithSettings. Then you are good to go.
I wonder if this is really a problem with this asset, but for some reason the entire menu wobbles noticeable each time I change to another tab. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
The wobbles are intended, it gives the user visible feedback on click. If you would like to remove it, delete the keyframes to “AnimationTabJolt”
I thought it seemed a bit too much to be a glitch. Not fan of it myself, but great as an example!
How’s the 4.9 update coming?
Hello, 4.10 is causing this to crash on the run console command from apply settings. Just thought i would let you know
Hi, I have found that the engine freezes in 4.9 and 4.10 for a short moment the first time you click apply/ok. I have not had it crash for me. Does this happen in engine or compiled game?
I am deeply sorry for delay. I have had different project I needed to work on. I don’t want to promise any more dates when its finished, since I have have not had the time to sit down and work on it.