I’m trying to configure my QTCreator to use it instead VS. I’m following this very nice oficial tutorial.
I’ve finished it and, when I tryed to compile the project, it raises an error at Make. This is the only compile output I’m getting after do the full tutorial:
13:38:43: Running steps for project MyQtProject...
13:38:43: Cannot find Makefile. Check your build settings.
Error while building/deploying project MyQtProject (kit: UE4)
When executing step "Make"
13:38:43: Elapsed time: 00:00.
I’ve tried to add a “Hello World” at main to see if project would compile that, by it neither worked.
SOLVED: finally I’ve found what was going on: I had to remove Make step from the Build configuration at “Projects” in both sections: Build and Clean. Now it works perfectly!! xDDDDDD
Here it is a screen shot if someone has same problem than me I hope you can fix it faster :_-D
Hi even i am facing the same problem I followed your guide but i could not able to find the solution. please have a look on it
when i ran project i get this error
12:19:22: Running steps for project animatedtiles…
12:19:22: Starting: “D:\Qt4.8.7\4.8\mingw482\bin\qmake.exe” D:\Qt4.8.7\Examples\Qt-4.8\animation\animatedtiles\animatedtiles.pro -r -spec qws\integrity-arm-cxarm
12:19:22: The process “D:\Qt4.8.7\4.8\mingw482\bin\qmake.exe” exited normally.
12:19:22: Cannot find Makefile. Check your build settings.
Error while building/deploying project animatedtiles (kit: Qt4.8.7)
When executing step “Make”
12:19:22: Elapsed time: 00:00.
you can find the build settings below