Qt Creator C++ project : Build.h error


I am starting UE4 development on Linux. So after successfully compiling the engine from source, I followed the instructions to setup a project with Qt Creator as the IDE following this link.

Now few notes before the real problem :

  • The documentation have an error when setting the run properties as mentioned here. Fixing “Working directory” to the folder of the project.

  • I had to look at this video - YouTube to see that in the build make arguments (for both Release and Debug), it’s not UE4Editor but rather the name of the project.

Now in Qt Creator, I have a warning saying that the “code model could not parse an included file” which breaks the highlighting. This file is “Build.h” (UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Misc/Build.h) with this :

error: Exactly one of [UE_BUILD_DEBUG UE_BUILD_DEVELOPMENT UE_BUILD_TEST UE_BUILD_SHIPPING] should be defined to be 1

What I am doing wrong here? Where do those variables need to be defined?
