Q: What's the difference between using the subtract node vs the delta (rotator) node (or any delta node)? From my understanding, both of them get the difference between 2 things.

Hope someone can clarify. I’m getting exact results using either of the two, in my current situation. But maybe in other situations they differ, so I’m wondering.

I don’t think you can subtract rotation?


The delta node takes various things into account, to avoid gimbal problems.

I guess in my head I’d be splitting the struct pin and they’d be individual floats. That’s kinda what I have in my case right now. So I guess with delta you don’t have to split it off into float curves which makes it cleaner.

Ah, then, you’re not dealing with rotation, it’s just a float… :slight_smile:

If you start to get weirdness when making calculations with rotation, it’s better to avoid splitting up the pins, and work with rotator nodes.