Q : Quixel is not showing on UE5.0.3 Linux distribution (UE5-0-3)

Hello, I am new to using Unreal Engine on Ubuntu 22.04.

In order to install it I followed steps these steps linked in the gist : link to gist for unreal install on ubuntu 22.04

Once I launched UE5 I wanted to try using quixel. However it is showing nowhere in the menus as you can see below

This warning also displays when I open the dropdown menu :

LogToolMenus: Warning: Menu item not found: ‘OpenMarketplace’ for insert: ‘ContentBrowser’

same here - Quixel Bridge not avail in editor (installed on arch through the zip file - v5.0.3)
when looking at vault (through lutris) I can see the plugin in the vault but cannot attach to any engine (since the installed engine is not know to the lutris-launcher-version).

Any help appreciated.

i asked the question on quixel forums and they suggested me to compile it from source as quixel is not implemented in the zip file version

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Are you resolve the question? and Can you show the detail step for me? thanks.

To use Quixel Bridge in the editor on Linux, you’ll need to build it from source. It’s not included in the binary releases for now, unfortunately. Hopefully it will be in 5.1.0 :slightly_smiling_face:

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