Q: Build failed.... some suggestions?

Hi all,

Trying to get the basics up and running for a Android setup on Unreal 4.18.3.
I followed the docs on installing the Android SDK software and such, checked and triple checked it to see if I had done it all properly.
Started off a blank project for Cardboard/Daydream to see if things will compile and result in a .apk.

But I’m getting errors during the end of the build:
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): ====9-2-2018 14:54:48====UPDATING BUILD CONFIGURATION FILES====================================================
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for common_library…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for downloader_library…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for permission_library…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-ads-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-ads-lite-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-auth-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-auth-base-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-base-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-basement-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-clearcut-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-drive-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-games-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-gass-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-nearby-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-plus-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-safetynet-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for play-services-tasks-11.0.4…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for support-compat-25.2.0…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for support-core-ui-25.2.0…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for support-core-utils-25.2.0…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for support-fragment-25.2.0…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for support-media-compat-25.2.0…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for support-v13-25.2.0…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Updating project.properties, local.properties, and build.xml for support-v4-25.2.0…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): The system cannot find the path specified.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): ==== Writing new GameActivity.java file to S:\Unreal\xxxxx\Intermediate/Android/APK\src\com\epicgames\ue4\GameActivity.java ====
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Copying new .so S:\Unreal\xxxxx\Binaries\Android\TransFluid-arm64-es2.so file to jni folder…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Preparing native code for debugging…
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): ERROR: C:/Program Files/NVPACK/android-ndk-r12b/ndk-build.cmd failed with args APP_ABI="arm64-v8a "
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): (see C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.18\UAT_Log.txt for full exception trace)
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

I’m not really understanding the path errors, and not sure what Unreal is looking for during the build.
In addition to the arm64 error, that is specifically set in the project settings…

Any tips are welcome! :wink:



I found one part of the problem. During the installation of the NVPACK - for some reason - some variables got double backslashes in the pathname.
Fixing that took care of the ‘The system cannot find the path specified’ error for the .xml file creation.

But I still have the following error at the end:
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): ERROR: C:/Program Files/NVPACK/android-ndk-r12b/ndk-build.cmd failed with args APP_ABI="arm64-v8a "
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

I looked at the bat files etc, but cannot see the issue.

I hope this bumping will help out on the issue,


Try to install newer CodeWorks and newer Android NDK for example version r15c.