[PYTHON SCRIPTING] Access blueprint actors's child static meshes and update them

I am currently trying to automate different redundant actions i have to do with unreal with the python api. And i am having some difficulties on accessing the static meshes components that are inside my loaded blueprints through python… Has someone ever managed to achieve this ? Because I can’t find any function in the BlueprintEditorLibrary nor in the Blueprint class that allows me to access the child components of my loaded blueprint :frowning:

If they’re actor blueprints have you tried calling “get_all_child_actors()” on the blueprint and then looking for meshes in the resulting list?

thx for the answeer !! however i tried using it and i get an error :

AttributeError: 'Blueprint' object has no attribute 'get_all_child_actors'

and I am calling this function after loading the asset and calling unreal.BlueprintEditorLibrary.get_blueprint_asset(actor)