Hey everybody! I have been trying out the Python scripting in Unreal with the help of the resources kindly provided by Epic and the community here. Very happy with it so far, it’s a great feature that is really bringing Unreal workflows to the next level!
Although there has been an issue that I was hoping to get some help with.
Whenever I run my script (or any script actually. I did a sanity check with a hello world) from the command line with an argument or even a " " appended to line after the python file I get the following:
LogPython: Error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
Basically the command line does not support arguments, or at least not in the way given as an example in the documentation PDF.
I even tried to compromize and use simple user input. I tried input and raw_input and the behavior was the same for both. The command line advanced by itself without waiting for the input, and gave me this error:
LogPython: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
LogPython: Error: File “[myPath]test.py”, line 11, in <module>
LogPython: Error: myString = raw_input("Enter string, yo: ")
LogPython: Error: EOFError: EOF when reading a line
Did anyone manage to use arguments with python scripts? Is there something I am missing, or is it currently still impossible?