Python query about turning off Static Switch Paramter from Material Instance (not value)


I’m trying to write a python script to blanket turn off the use of Normal maps in the project for optimisation tests. To turn off the static switch param value I can use:

loaded_instance = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_asset(my_instance)
unreal.MaterialEditingLibrary.set_material_instance_static_switch_parameter_value(loaded_instance, "Use Normal Map", False)

What I’d like to do is to turn off the “Use Normal Map” flag (refer to image)

There doesn’t seem to be any calls in the unreal.MaterialEditingLibrary. I’m using UE 5.3, and in a previous project I have found a script that called unreal.MaterialEditingLibrary.remove_material_instance_static_switch_parameter_value_override() but that seems to have been deprecated.

Appretiate the help.