i tried to start unreal engine 4.24.1 and suddenly i encountered this issue show in photo below…please help …thnk you.
Did the engine crash? If not, disable the plugin (in Editor > Plugins). Then restart the editor. Otherwise, report it as a bug:
Be concise in the required fields. How can it be caused by tampering with settings since you just opened the program?
Yeah actually the message displays then it crashes ,…i can’t open the editor at all …i will report a bug …what do you mean by tampering with settings the engine doesn’t start at all…???..
That’s what I mean. It cannot be caused by tampering with settings if the engine doesn’t start at all / crashes.
What i mean is that i can’t even open the unreal editor , so i can’t reach any settings…i was actually trying to add the megascans plugin to ue4 ,so maybe that’s the cause of the issue for me…