Putting Material onto Crosshair HUD

Hi guys,
Im trying to get my this to show up on my HUD for my crosshair.

all the blend modes either produces nothing or a black square without the star on it.
I want there to be only the star to show up and not its black surrounding.

This is not a particle but particle color is used as input, which by default all of the values will be 0 (pure black color, invisible alpha).

The only reason it is visible in the screenshot is because you’re previewing at the Power node which has the desired texture data prior to multiplying everything by the 0 values provided by the particle color input and thus becoming pure black and not visible.

Instead, swapping the particle color input for a vector parameter would likely be what you’re looking for, ensuring that the alpha is as high as you’d like the star to be visible and being able to set the color this way.