Putting Blueprint code in triggerbox crashes level

I have a trigger box setup, and put it in level3, with the idea that it will trigger a server travel to level 4. I have done a similar setup to go from level 1 to level 2, which works fine.
As soon as i add any code to on actor overlap or on component begin overlap on the trigger on level 3 (which will load level 4) , Unreal crashes as soon as level 3 loading is triggered (from level 2) by server travel.
If i remove the trigger box in level 3, it loads fine and server travel happens.

A longshot: is the trigger box on level 3, calling level 3?

I totally get where you’re coming from on this. So I double and triple checked. There is no circular looping.
It seems even if I disconnect the overlap event, it crashes.
If I remove all nodes, then it works fine