Pushing the Channel has failed?

Hi i made a network render farm for my swarm agent but when i launch the building the agent say : Pushing the Channel has failed someone have a solution ? Thx

Some things to try -

  • enable DeveloperMode in the Swarm agent settings. Now you have access to more settings.
  • Increase log verbosity, more info
  • Make sure your local swarm agent can see the coordinator (ping agents) and the coordinator can see your local agent. Make sure they are on the same subnet.

I already activate the developerMode and i check the ping everything it’s ok. I see on other post guy made fix for this problem but i don’t really want put files from unknows people on my work station …

The other computer still blocking in the exporting scene mode but not helping me main computer

No other option to resolve the problem ?

Hi EternalSilence,

most probably your problem occured, because of the bug in Swarm that tries to send optinal files until success. The problem is that you don’t have to have the optional files. My guess is that you are missing UnrealLightmass.pdb, which is useful during debugging. I’ll fix this bug, but for the time being you can try to workaround it building UnrealLightmass project from UE4.sln (the UnrealLightmass.pdb should be generated).

Let me know if that helped.


Hi Jarek,
What’s the ETA on fixing this bug? I kinda hoped it would be fixed in 4.5.

Hello dunenkoff,
it should be in 4.5.1 hotfix.

Awesomeness! Thank you! Now three other of my machines won’t stand idle :slight_smile: