Hello everyone,
for a project of mine I build a simple room, mainly for testing and playing around.
I have the problem the i can push cubes through the walls without much effort, strangely enough spheres are no problem.
I already looked through pretty much everything, all the collision settings. I even compared the Unreal Third Person project to my own to find the differences, but no luck.
I hope someone here can give me the right hint on how to stop this from happening.
It may be multiple reasons.
One of them: PlayerCharacter has infinite inertia, ie. it is immovable object (animated by script not physics), while simulated actors have mass inertia etc.
However it may be something else.
I see, thanks for the answer. But I am pretty certain, that the Character is also used in the example project! The only thing that is changed there via code is the acceleration and breaking, not much else.
Could you provide more details? How is force applied? This does not (and should not) happen under regular circumstances. What is irregular about the setup you have?
I even compared the Unreal Third Person project to my own to find the differences, but no luck.
Is it safe to assume this behaviour does not manifest there?
yeah sorry should have provided some more details in the first place. I was done for the day when I made the post^^
So I am using UE 5.3.2 for this project. My character, which is only a Cylincer with a capsule collider atm, moves with the enhanced input system and the movement component.
Right now I have the problem with a primitive cube actor, here I only ticked the box to apply physics to be able to push it around. The fun part is I also have a Sphere with active physics in the level and it doesn’t get pushed through the walls.
And yes, in the Unreal example project it works flawless. I thought maybe it’s the material of the cubes or special cubes there, but when I put a standard cube actor in it works fine.
I also went through the settings of the walls and the settings in the character blueprints, but I couldn’t see any differences which would explain it.
I bet it’s some stupid little thing I forgot!
Could you demonstrate or describe in detail what actually happens.
- does is spasm out as if the physics simulation was failing?
- or does the cube intersect the wall geometry as if there was no collision?
i can push cubes through the walls without much effort
This sounds like the latter - a collision setting. If so, could you post:
- collision settings of the wall and cube
- hierarchy of the cube actor (if any)
- anything special in case you created the cube and its collision yourself
If I run against the cube with full speed it sometimes bounces away, and it also gets deflected/blocked by the wall if it slides unto it on its own. Just when i keep on pushing it goes through.
Cube2 is the wall
Cube4 is the cube i push around
Actor2 is created specifically by me, this one sometimes won’t get through the wall. Until I move back a bit and push it again
So it’s not collision then but the actual physics sim.
- how thick is the wall?
- try doubling those 3 values:
See if that helps at all.
If I run against the cube with full speed it sometimes bounces away
Regarding the player being too intense around physically simulated objects, have a look at:
This should allow you to tone it down a bit - the tooltips roughly explain what’s what.
Unfortunately the doubling didn’t do anything. The wall scaling is only 1, but just now I doubled it. No change at all.
Also just fyi I tried all other shapes, except the plane, and the same happens for the cylinder. I can push it easily through the wall.
I already knew about those settings, I adjusted those a bit too so the cube doesn’t go flying.
What are the chances the cylinder mesh interferes with anything here? Other than that, hard to tell from the info provided. And, at this point, not sure what to ask about.
Yep, that was it! I scaled the cylinder down and look at behold I can’t push the box through the wall anymore.
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