Pushing-Grabbing logic

I’m trying to make a simple grab-push logic for pawns. So first of all I have input action “grab”, and setting with it boolean “can grab”. It works fine, I’ve checked it with a print string.

  1. My characters collision box overlappnig pawns collision box, and this starts overlapping event.
  2. I’m checking is this a component I want.
  3. I’m enabling physics on object and pushing works fine.
  4. With branch I’m checking input action “can grab”, and if the button is pressed - from this position I want to continue with grabbing action, if not - return to “push”. And this part of code doesn’t work even with a simple print string. I’ve tryed to move branch before “pushing” and it works the same way.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my logic?
PS Sorry for mistakes, English is not my fluent language.

Solved this with creating “Set timer by even” node.