Pushing analog stick too far causes loss of focus on UMG widget

I am designing a main menu for a game prototype and am using two Widget Blueprints: one for the menu, and one for a reusable button. Menu navigation is handled using the Player Controller to capture Enhanced Inputs. The button Widget Blueprint contains logic to tell the Player Controller which button should be “up” or “down” on the menu (see screenshots). Focus is green and unfocused is red.

This works perfectly using W (up) and S (down). It also works when I gently press the left analog stick of an Xbox controller. However, if press the stick too far the buttons lose focus.

TL;DR - Pushing the left analog stick too far leads to unstable focus behavior in navigating between UMG widgets.

Does anyone know why the magnitude of analog input would influence whether a widget keeps focus?

  1. The menu after starting the Simulator.

  1. The menu after pushing S key or pushing the thumbstick gently downward on Y axis.

  1. The menu after pushing thumbstick fast on Y axis.

  1. Player Controller.

  1. Main menu (Designer).

  1. Main menu (Blueprint).

  1. Button (Designer).