Pushing a Character that's using CharacterMovement component with other physics bodies?

Hey guys, I’m struggling to make my character (he’s using character movement component) react to pushes from other physics bodies. Let’s say he’s standing on a platform and the platform is receiving an Add Impulse node. Right now the platform’s physics state “resets” when it receives an impulse with the player standing on top.

What i’d like to do is launch the platform upwards with the player on top. Any ideas?

So, standing on the launching platform stops the platform from launching?
what sorcery is this and why does my character not do the same?
are you maybe using root motion in the idle animation or something similar that would explain it?

No root motion. in fact it’s the premade FirstPersonCharacter. Even if i launch the platform first (platform mass set to 500kg) INTO the character (mass <1kg) it stuffs it completely.

I’m thinking it might have something to do with collision boundaries as it can also “lock” my character in Z axis.

Interestingly enough i have an actor in the game that consists of a StaticMesh Platform (physics enabled) and an attached Destructible mesh (with physics disabled) component on top of it.
The platform and the DestructibleMesh have collision turned off so they only stick together by “attachment” (transform inheritance i’m guessing). now the weird bit:

If I stand on that destructible mesh and apply impulse to the root platform underneath -> my character is pushed properly.

I was not able to replicate that in any other multi body setup (static mesh platform -> collision box on top for example)

I’ve been struggling with this for 2 days. There’s something I fundamentally don’t understand here about how the engine works :frowning: