Push / Pull Physical Box

I I would like to say that i truly spend some time searching for a proper Physics Push / Pull for 2d / 2.5d format, however there is little to no solution for this i started to believe i should using unity since all my referenced games that have Physics Push / Pull box mechanics such as INSIDE and PLANT OF LANA. but I’m not familiar with unity and i like using Blueprints.

Anyway i found out using Physics Handle is the way to go hopefully so i set it up as fallow:

its kinda works but there’s a problem, when the character try to push from the other side the box shift to other side.

i believe it has to to do with GET Current Rotation and forward vector but honestly i don’t know to to fix it.

if you have any suggestions i would like to hear it
Thank you!

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It’s really looking like the code that changes the handle location.

How is the pawn written, what is it based on?

I’m thinking that forward vector and control rotation aren’t right?

Can you just attach an arrow to the player mesh ( hidden in game ), and calculate the handle position by taking the forward vector from that maybe?

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Based on this i changed some stuff to make it 2d like

i honestly don’t know how to do that.

Just attach the arrow in the correct spot

and get its forward vector when you need it :slight_smile:

( you know it has to be facing the correct way )

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oh i did that unfortunately it did not work :frowning:

Ah, meh…

I would start putting print nodes everywhere. Debug.

Is the handle moving to where you think it should be? Is the line trace going in the right direction? To the correct place?


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i see, thank you so much :slight_smile:

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