Im trying to make a large world made of tiles (100x100 - 512x512) using Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Components.
This works well however all this information is stored in arrays and i need the client to get this information so they can generate the world and keep track of changes locally
My problem is when the client joins they instantly disconnect
Is there a way i can get the client to receive the InitalOnly array without instantly disconnecting
So i have a work around of sorts since i cant replicate Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Instances otherwise i would just make the server generate them…
So the duct tape solution is when the client joins they pretty please ask the server to get the first 1k elements of their correct array and add them to a buffer array and then pass that to the client using a owning client custom event call then the client appends the array and asked the server for the next lot
Until all the arrays are synced up