Purchased MARKETPLACE Content dying with new versions of the engine

I’m really enjoying working and learning UE4 but I have a 2 issues with Marketplace content that I have purchased.

Maybe there is are steps to remedy this so any suggestion is welcome.

I started working on a project in 4.7 and purchased a few marketplace items compatible with that version.
I have upgraded to new versions of the engine but now the 4.7 content is not compatible with newer versions of the engine. I will be working on the game for another projected year and I’m looking to take the project and content purchased into the future with 4.9 etc.

Question: Why aren’t all Marketplace items not updated to work with newer versions? Its a let down to purchase something that cant be used into the future.

2nd issue: I purchased an item that the launcher stated worked with 4.8 and I added it to a 4.8 project and it doesn’t work properly with the 4.8 project. Should these be verified to work with new versions as they come out.

Maybe others are having the same issue…maybe there is a way I can remedy this…Thanks

The content submitter is supposed to update their item for the latest release so it’s a bit of an unfortunate situation if they just stopped caring or something. As for opening the content in newer versions you could open the 4.9 editor and then the content you bought if it’s in project format to convert it to 4.9. If it’s an assets you add to a project than add it to a project of the same version and convert that to 4.9. As for the 4.8 content not working in 4.8 you’ll likely have to find the thread related to it in the marketplace forum so you can get help from the content creator or other users directly.

A lot of packs may take some time to update because Epic has stopped automatically upgrading packs that won’t have any compatibility issues - such as environment or texture packs. An email was supposed to be going out to notify content creators of this change, but I haven’t received anything yet so I’d imagine the others didn’t either. Unless you happen to have caught the post by in a thread questioning the lack of 4.9 compatibility, you wouldn’t know. I’m also assuming they have their hands full with something as I sent an email to the marketplace support verifying my packs 4.9 compatibility and haven’t heard back in 2 days. My asset packs are still marked as incompatible. Generally the support line answers in less than 48 hours.

Content creators have 10 days to update their content to newer versions, otherwise their content will likely be taken down.

That change was only implemented a couple of days ago. We’re going on a month since 4.9’s release now. They will probably enforce that with future engine versions as content creators still haven’t been notified that we all (not just those that use code) need to update our projects manually. Prior to 4.9 I never had to send in an update or verification of compatibility because my packs were only textures/materials/static meshes, and there was nothing related to that which was changed in future versions. The same can be said for many others. It would be very odd for them to begin punishing creators when they’ve yet to send out any mass notification of this pretty significant change. The only reason I found out about it was a random thread that’s probably on page 4-5 of the marketplace forums right now.

Oh, I read the change in the marketplace terms, so I figured it was all settled.

The information on there is contradicting as well. On one hand it says sellers have 10 days from the release of the new engine version, on the other it says 10 days after being contacted by the marketplace. The problem isn’t the 10 days though, it’s the lack of notification. More importantly the change with Epic no longer toggling compatibility for packs that 99.9% of the time have no issues with newer versions due to their nature. (such as environment packs). Those are two pretty significant changes to how the marketplace operates, and it’s generally ideal to notify those who will be affected beforehand - even more after it’s been put into effect. It just seems to be an issue of miscommunication. I don’t think it’s fair that a lot of marketplace creators are catching flak for a change most probably aren’t even aware exists. I know I didn’t find out about having to manually verify my environment packs until around last Friday. Up until then I had simply figured the team was taking a little longer to toggle the switch due to being very busy. I love the marketplace team, the men and women on there are amazing, hard working people. I just think the changes could have been communicated a bit better. =)

Also sorry for the walls of text, I just wanted to make sure people understood that the overall lack of compatibility for 4.9 isn’t due to negligence.

Hey there!

I just sent you a PM to discuss the 4.8 issues you are having. This seems to be more of a bug than an update issue with this pack. As for the discussion with updates, Stephanie and will be here shortly to address some of concerns you guys may have with new Marketplace terms for updates.

I have just received a mail that I should update my content to 4.9, but it already is updated to 4.9 :cool: In the mail they also describe the new 10-day rule starting with 4.10.

Hey John!

Sorry about that. This was a mass email sent out to all sellers to shed light on the 10-day update changes in the future. If you already sent your updated to 4.9, please disregard. :slight_smile:

Just saw the email and the forum announcement. Great work. =)

Hi all! I sent out an email to all our sellers today and created a thread here to address it: Marketplace 4.10 content updates requested - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums

Updates are coming in SO FAST! We’re going to be very busy indeed. :slight_smile:

Again, apologies on the late messaging for this. Moving forward this will be communicated as soon as the point releases are made and we’ll plan better. Thanks so much for your feedback, interest, and helping keep us on our toes.

Thanks! Keep up the good work! =)

A big issue is that market place doesn’t update, the items you buy don’t prompt you there is an update, and so there is no way to notice if there has been an update, verify the content doesn’t work either - the only way to get the update is to delete the content and re-download it but again there is no way to find if there has been an update!* So randomly deleting and downloading is the only way, other then to contact the maker or have them contact you.

Also conversing with one seller says epic has often not pushed there update for a month or so and they then given epic another update so the middle update is then skipped, also files like pdfs getting left out too :confused:

*I’ve been prompted with the update icon maybe 2 or 3 times for marketplace items when I should have been prompted closer to 10 times.

Oh example - Shooter Game has been update? HAS it? friend told me - no notification, can’t even verify it, only the option to create or remove local content.

I thought it shows an orange exclamation point or something when a product you purchased has been updated? Either for content or compatibility?

Correct. Try checking your vault in the “Library” tab of your launcher. You should see a orange bubble with and exclamation point in the top left corner of any pack that has a new update. If you do not see these changes, try reloading the launcher. You can shoot me a PM if have any issues with see any new updates prompt for you on the launcher. Will be happy to help. :slight_smile:

If I make my own content, do I need to update it whenever there is a new version? and if so how do I do that?

Yes. You are responsible for supporting your item and maintaining future compatibility for the release of major new engine versions (4.7,4.8, 4.9, etc).

To update your pack, you need to do the following:

  1. Download your pack from the Marketplace. This is important to make sure you’re updating the same files we’ve uploaded.
  2. Add the existing pack to a new project then make your changes. (If your pack works in the new version and you have no need to update your files on the Marketplace, you can email us to confirm that your content works in the latest version. We can then just update compatibility)
  3. Update your pack and test it on your machine.
  4. ZIP up your content, config, and project file and post it somewhere we can download it (Dropbox, Google Drive, FTP site, etc).
  5. Send an email to marketplace-support@unrealengine.com with the following information:
  • your name
  • your Epic ID (the email address you use to sign in to the Unreal Engine launcher)
  • your pack name
  • list of changes made
  • list of text updates you want us to post to your download page on the launcher
  • list of platforms and engine version numbers tested on
  • link to updated files

Yep often it doesn’t, more often then not it doesn’t work.