Hi all, I was wondering if anybody could tell me the best solution to creating a mini pop-up of the cost of what they want to purchase, the idea is when you hover over the icon, it tells you the price and when you unlock, I will multiply the value until you have maxed the unlocks
Should I make this mini pop-up as its own widget or keep it inside of the main widget?
also, how should I manage the values? Guessing having a lot of variables for every single icon, each owning a metal/energy and research value would not be the best practice?
If someone has a video I could follow on youtube, that would be great as well!
Thank you and appreciate any replies!
That helps a lot actually, I never thought about typing tooltips in youtube, I guess next I need to understand how to store the data for how much each thing costs, do you know of a good tutorial on that subject? thank you for responding btw!
That would depend entirely on how you coded it, how many things you have, etc.
If you want to do it like he did in the tutorial, it seems each item will have its own struct with information in it. Cost could be one of the variables in the struct.
If you have already made your widgets though, it might be difficult to go back and fit something like that in now.
I was trying to figure out how the variables were held, so it’s done using a data structure! I’m doing some tutorials on them now, thank you for responding, it has helped a lot I have a long way to go before knowing Unreal Engine well