I have a really important bool value I need for replication. I’m working on a RTS game and using the draw rect seems to work well on the server side. However on the client side I cannot pull this one bool variable from the player controller. If I remove the has tag bool it works fine.
How can I correctly see if the player controller has this tag or not?
I might as well ask as well so save me some time.
Can I use the get all actors in rectangle and correctly replicate that to the game mode,Player controller or pawns?
I’m sorry. I actually figured this out quite quickly, it’s been a long day. When I add the player tag in the player controller I now set another bool variable to true and this did the trick. The “has tag” function does not seem to replicate in the HUD blueprint just for a forewarning.
My other question still stands though as I will take me sometime to figure that out.