Hi, I’m still learning lots within Unreal but I’m currently making a Top Down 2D game. When the character walks up to his computer I would like for him to be able to press ‘E’ and have the computer to show up on screen.
I’ve created a Widget containing the images for his desktop. It should go like this, character walks into box collider (which is positioned in front of the PC) > character can press ‘E’ and have the computer display and interact, also disabling movement so that you cannot walk around while using the computer.
I’ve been pulling my hair out for the last few hours trying to figure how to do this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thankyou!!
So I think i figured it out, though probably in an inefficient way of doing so.
I used a simple box/w collision box to represent the computer and collision area.
Here’s the widget BP
And the box BP
The box BP checks if the player is there, if the the E key is pressed, creates the computers widget, displays the widget, and locks move and look input (look only necessary if the character looks at mouse location). Once it locks input, it resets the gate so the player can reenter the computer.
The widget BP checks if the button was clicked, removes the widget from the screen, and sets the game to listen to move and look input (again, looks is optional). The back of the BP displays the mouse so the player can interact with the menu.
I found it easier to find these nodes w/context sensitivity off, if they don’t show up.
Hope this helps ya.
Sorry if this isn’t that great, 1st time doing one of these. c:
You could also add this if you want a key to exit instead of a button
To use E, you’d have to add a delay between the ‘reset gate’ reroute node and the toggle on the gate, otherwise the widget just opens and closes quickly
The one problem I’ve encountered is a player would have to leave the collider to reenter the computer if they leave it.
You are a legend! I ended up getting it to work with a YouTube tutorial by TeslaDev. Then I accidentally did something and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working, your photo saved my life, when I saw the gate saying “start closed” I realise I left that unticked, which let me use the computer regardless of whether I was in the collider or not. But I thought I would say thanks for taking the time anyway!! Once again you’re a legend.