Puedo utilizar assets del marketplace de Unreal Engine para decorar un mapa que he creado en Unreal Engine con esos assets, y luego vender el mapa decorado a mi manera en el mismo marketplace de Unrea

Puedo utilizar assets del marketplace de Unreal Engine para decorar un mapa que he creado en Unreal Engine con esos assets, y luego vender el mapa decorado a mi manera en el mismo marketplace de Unreal/ I can use assets from the Unreal Engine marketplace to decorate a map I’ve created in Unreal Engine with those assets, and then sell the decorated map my way in the same Unreal marketplace.

The guidelines say

2.2.d Use of unmodified public domain content is limited to assisting with presentation, while not being the majority of the submission, and the content must have been modified so as to bring new value to the assets. Sellers must cite the source and include a link to the source content in the product’s Technical Information that includes clear public domain usage information. Epic will verify via that link that the content is in the public domain and fully redistributable.

Unless what you produce is MASSIVELY different from the original, you will get tripped up by at least the bold parts.