Publishing on Mac AppStore


I’v produced .app and now I want to publish it on Mac AppStore.
Long story short I’v created & installed all certificates that I need, created AppID (say it’s com.mycompany.myapp)
in Info.plist there is entry:


(besides the standard entries that unreal left here)

Now I’m signing the executable:

codesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: mycompany..." --entitlements "myapp.entitlements" ""

The executable get’s signed succesfully (I’v also signed all the .dylib that are part of the application and reside there, also succesfully)
(I’v also deleted /Contents/Resources/RadioEffectUnit.component)

now I’m signing the whole bundle:

codesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: mycompany..." --entitlements "myapp.entitlements" ""

this also ends with success

now time to build package:

productbuild --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: mycompany..." --component "" /Applications --product "" myapp.pkg 

but the output is as follows:

productbuild: Adding component at /Users/Shared/MacShippingAppStores/MacNoEditor/
productbuild: error: Can't write temporary package to "/var/folders/fk/wqy41wqj0dz432649knj2vkr0000gq/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By productbuild)/" (Cannot write package to "/var/folders/fk/wqy41wqj0dz432649knj2vkr0000gq/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By productbuild)/".).

any idea what’s wrong ?
I’v also tried:

sudo productbuild --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: mycompany..." --component "" /Applications --product "" myapp.pkg

the effect is that same

I’v also tried simply build package without signing it:

productbuild --component /Applications myapp.pkg


sudo productbuild --component /Applications myapp.pkg

the result is still that same

The system is MacOS 10.12 with all the latest updates, xcode is 9, yes I’v accepted the xcode license agreement.
I’v tried this on different Mac too, the error is still that same.

If I try to enter the folder in qiestion in finder /var/folders/fk/wqy41wqj0dz432649knj2vkr0000gq/T/TemporaryItems … it does not allow me to enter there.
I’v looked at man productbuild, but there is no option for some verbosity what’s wrong, and since my entitlement & Info.plist is very minimal I think that there is nothing wrong there, anything I’v missed ?
(I’m not very falimiar with mac development, so meybe it’s something very stupid I’m missing ?)

The method I’v described here worked just fine about a year ago (I have already one app published on Mac AppStore).

OK, I’v figured what’s going on … if the *.pak file generated by UE4 while cooking and packaging project is larger than 4GB then this error ocurs :confused: (WTF ?! - seriously ?)
My pak file is 17GB, for now I’v just divided it into 8 chunks (thanks UE4 for this mechanism !) - but this is stupid - realy stupid.