Publishing my first Post Process Material

Hello everybody, I am in the process to publish my first Post Process Material on the Unreal Market place.

I need to create a Map/Level where it is visible what my Material is doing.
I am looking for some asset that I can use in my level, to make it more attractive.

I would like to use one of these assets, as they are not super heavy (in terms of MB) and as they are a kind of standard in the CG industry.

Do you know if I can sell on the marketplace a material that in its demo level contains a model released under CC?

Are you aware of any other “interesting” assets that I could use for my post process material? I am particularly interested in model of faces, but not necessarily.

Can I use in my demo map, for example, the face of Echo?

As the post process effect can be used just in Unreal Engine, it should be ok to include an asset that can be used just in Unreal Engine, right?

Sorry to ask again, but the text in the publisher page is not that clear about it Am I allowed to ship in my asset, a model that is under CC license? Are you aware of some alternatives?