I inadvertently agreed to your Publisher contract when downloading Unreal Engine 4, but intended to agree to your Creator contract. I do not anticipate developing any commercial for-sale products with Unreal Engine 4. How can I switch to your Creator contract licensing?
You should be able to accept the Creator EULA by going to Download - Unreal Engine (via the ‘Download’ button on unrealengine.com) and switching to the preferred tab to accept.
I clicked on the eulacheck link you just provided, clicked on the Download button under Creator licensing and saved its Launcher msi file to my computer for the second time (but did not bother to reinstall the Launcher as my research in your Answerhub database indicated that the serial number of software installed is not correlated to Publisher or Creator licensing). Then I checked my user profile under EULA History, but it still shows I have accepted only the Publisher contract. How can I switch to Creator licensing?
Try this link instead!