Published island not appearing on Fortnite Browse page

I managed to publish a map so now it’s approved, public and listed.

Everyone can play it by the island code but my problem is that it’s not listed in the Fortnite client “Browse” page so no one w/o the code can find it. Any ideas? Is there some delay between publishing and island appearing on the client? It’s been 10 hours from publishing now.

I think the Discovery section is curated by Epic, so it’s a selection process, just like in the App Store, Steam etc.

Yeah, I know, but shouldn’t every published and listed project appear on the Browse page?

Any feedback from Epic on the issue?

i think their are millions of published maps so how would you have them all up. only selected few…

Doubt that there are more than 10k. For UEFN, I’d be surprised if more than 100.

But, regardless of the number, it’s not like search and/or filter UI haven’t been invented.

And there is finaly an official answer to search option but, quoting, “not easy to build”, which pretty much discredits the stuff as such task is in reality “as easy as it gets” (personal experience).

Having the same issue also. Seems the Islands on the discovery page don’t rotate daily, same ones every time. There used to be an Island Form to fill out for Discovery Page but it just links back to a dead link, the discord is also a dead link. They may not have any type of system in yet but who knows…

Hello there! I work on the UEFN documentation team. We put out a blog post about this very topic a while ago. The only to make your island more likely to appear on Discover is to have a good track record with your published islands it seems.

However, all your published islands appear on your personal creator page on

Limiting the scope of this topic to browse page only, I think it is absolutely crucial for every store/catalog to provide access to all listed items in one way or another otherwise it could not be called a store/catalog or published items could not be called “listed” as they are.

They discovery system is very flawed, thumbnails and whatever we were told seem to not apply when half of the thumbnails are deceptive and the other half are just no effort taken. They Discovery Page favors 1.0 style builds or like we were told by our clients “worse versions of fortnite”.

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Honestly make a map in 1.0 called Spiderman VS Mr Beast XP Harvester and pop their faces on the thumbnail and release it from 1.0 and boom you’ll be in there.