PUBG style aiming click and hold RMB

How would I go about a system like in PUBG where holding the aim button does TPS aiming but clicking it toggles ADS?

It’s easy enough to do one or the other but how about both?

I’ve not played PUBG so I don’t know exactly how it feels but this logic should be a good starting point for you. The delays will likely need tweaking to get the feeling right.

Hope this helps!

This is exactly what I need!

The only issue I’m having is when I attach my TPS aiming logic to the “held” portion, holding down to aim goes to toggled aim for a split second. Any ideas on how to change this?

Hmm I wasn’t getting that issue. Could you upload the blueprint and I can have a look at it?

Perhaps I have the TPS aim in the wrong location?

Yeah you shouldn’t need to put anything after the “Toggled” Boolean. I don’t fully understand your system as you have more functions than I expected.

Try changing where the TPSAim is in the graph and see if that helps. Also, for sharing blueprints, I recommend you use instead of sharing screenshots. All you have to do is select all your nodes, Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V in the dialogue box on the website!

OK I figured out the ADS part is what I had to move. I was doing different functions for the ADS aiming and the TPS aiming.

Thanks a lot for the help with this and showing me as well that’s going to be very helpful for me in the future.

Here’s the finished product:

Glad I could help :slight_smile: