I’d like to build my game for PS5, and I understand that I need to obtain some PS5 Platform source files for that. I am a PlayStation partner and already have a configured PS5 Devkit.
10 days ago I received an email from Epic Games after submitting the Console Access Request Form. The email asked me to submit a post requesting confirmation from Epic Games for access to Unreal Engine for PS5.
I’ve already tried the following without success:
Made a private support ticket on PS5Devnet
Made a post in the PS5Devnet forums
Asked for an update about the confirmation multiple times
Contacted Epic Games via email
I have not received any response on any of these platforms.
Could someone assist me in obtaining the required files?
Not sure if you were able to solve this but you need to contact your main rep in Playstation and then fill out the form for Ps5 or ps4 with all company details. They will email you after that and it will be linked in your development list after verifcation. Ps4 you can setup in the sony forums Epic will send an email to you with all these details.