Provided 4.16 Codeworks contains unsupported version of Proguard

4.16 Codeworks filcontains unsupported version of Proguard that does not support Java 8.

To fix this problem, new version of Proguard can be provided in the Extras folder.

C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:871: Can’t read [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-25\android.jar] (Can’t process class [java/text/CollationElementIterator.class] (Unsupported class version number [52.0] (maximum 51.0, Java 1.7)))
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (PVRTC)):

Same problem here, I will try this solution from another thread.

My java version is unnable to support android-24 API, even after I updated it


I got this with 4.19 also and a fresh android installation. For some reason only on one of my two development PCs.