After going through the process and trying it out, the animations do not link nor can you get them to play. I will upload more infomation when I get home. And provide more screenshots on how nothing is working atm.
Hopefully someone else has had some success with these.
I have also been unable to get them animated, and, after several attempts I have still not been able to get it to recognize the animations. Luckily you can export the skeletal meshes and make your own animations in max or whatever… provided you can import FBX files… IF ANYONE figures this out, I owe you a beer.
I was having the same issue not being able to get them to animate. BUT, I have found out how to get it to work. Although there may be a better and cleaner way to do it.
Find the HeroTPP Character (skeletal Mesh) in the Character folder. If you start with any of the default projects he is in there. Open it up. See “create anim for skel” jpg below.
Select Animation tab — then right click on the different assets like Idle, Walk, etc. and select "Create a copy for another Skeleton. (I put red border around it in my image.
Box will come up when you right click Prompting you to “Select Skeleton” Select the HeroTPP skeleton and hit ok. It will ask if you want to duplicate mesh, I said no.
Now you have the animation asset files for the Prototype character. Finally you just need to create an Animation blueprint and replicate what they did with the HeroTPP Character “Anim Graph”