PROTOFACTOR, Inc's Animals Packs // Work in Progress

Hi there!
Upgraded Hippopotamus is now available on our store! Here is how it looks like in real time:
3 more African Animals to go before submitting the African Animals Pack to the UE4 Marketplace. The Pack is already available on our store.

Very nice :slight_smile: For a long time almost no animals were available in the UE4 marketplace, so its very nice to see you offer so many different animals now.

Do all of your animals have good physics assets so that the mesh is stable when simulating physics and not going crazy?

I like the walk and death animations of most of your animals, but the idle animations often look quite… fake. You have to keep in mind that idle animations should still look quite good when played in a loop for 30 seconds. Do you have 1 long idle animation or multiple small ones? You should list the animations for each animal on your website, it doesn’t really help much to know there are “15 animations” without knowing what kind of animations. In the sketchfab preview it’s not shown what are individual animations and what’s multiple different ones…

Chicken is awesome!

Glad to hear you like the animals so far, and thanks for the feedback.

Yes, this is a requirement now, the UE4 Marketplace want proper physics assets for characters. So all animals have custom ones. Though maybe a developer would want to tweak or change them for whatever reason.
regarding the idle animations: animals have a few of them (idle breathe, idle chew, idle look around , idle look for food and eat, idle graze). So basically you can create your own sequence for example:. walk, look around and eat, chew chew chew. idle breathe graze, chew chew idle breathe walk etc… We might want to add the animation list but it can be a pain since we’re limited with the amount of words in the description…

Here is an early sketchfab viewer of the Elephant. This is still a WIP, but it’s pretty to what it’ll be:
Model should be ready early next week. (on our own store)
Cheers! and have a great week end

Hey there! It’s been a while this thread hasn’t been updated. So here it is:
African Animals Pack is complete and live on the Marketplace.
Birds Pack is complete and has been submitted to the Marketplace.
Crow, Duck, Eagle, Great Horned Owl, pigeon, Seagull and Sparrow are now complete. All of them are live on the marketplace except Great Horned Owl and Golden Eagle which are still under review.
All our 24 animals are now finished. So we finally submitted the Animals Full Pack which is also under review.

If you can’t wait and want to have access to the assets right now, you can head over to our Online Store.


Hi there

I love your animals (I buy most of them), and I have a feature request for the lion/lioness: a hunting or stalking animation. (The included walk is a non-danger non-hunting regular walk.)

FWIW I think two key “cat-like” features of the stalking motion are:

  1. Walking with the head down but eyes up (stalking prey)
  2. Preferably with the hind legs walking in the footprints of the front legs:

(Much less important but still good supporting animations for stalking would be a transition from a stalk to lowering the body down onto the ground (dropping out of sight while hunting), and the reverse; getting up and resuming the stalk from the ground position. This pause-and-drop is also seen in the first video link, but ignore the belly-crawling part that happens later - I wouldn’t need a belly-crawl and I doubt many others would either)

I understand you probably need to focus on other products, but I’d love it if you could look into this, so I wanted to let you know!


Noted. We’re currently updating the animals. We have updated the bear and wolf so far. The updates are mostly for new animations: walk and run turning / resting. Right now we’re on the boar. Focusing first on forest animals pack, then farm animals pack then finally the African animals pack. You’ll have to be patient. We’re at a 2 animals per week update pace. So it shouldn’t take toooo long.

That’s great news!
(I’m in no hurry, and I plan to use those other animals too, so thank you for adding to them!)