Protobuf-Converter transforms Domain Model Objects into Google Protobuf Messages

Hi all. Would anybody be interested in an Protobuf-Converter transforms Domain Model Objects into Google Protobuf Messages?

How to use it ?

Domain model classes that have to be transformed into protobuf messages must satisfy conditions:

Class has to be marked by @ProtoClass annotaion that contains reference on related protobuf message class.
Class fields has to be marked by @ProtoField annotaion. These fields must have getters and setters.


public class User {

private String name;
private String password;

// getters and setters for 'name' and 'password' fields


More information here

You could probably write a protobuf front-end and back-end for the Serialization API, then you don’t need any special annotations but serialize directly from and to UStructs.

Or you can write a protobuf based transport plug-in for the Messaging system.